Monday, 7 February 2011

Not a good start

I had possible my worst night of raiding ever last night. It was my 1st raid with my new guild Philosophers’ Stone. Initially we had planned to do Nefarian but the main tank didn’t show so there was a change of plan. Now Philosophers Stone are a few bosses in front of me when it comes to raid progression and as luck would have it they decided to do two bosses I have never done before, Al'Akir and Twilight Ascendent Council. What made it worse was that have spent the hour before watching videos and reading tactics for Nafarian. As a result I went into these bosses blind. I’m sure I made a bad impression on my new guild and now I’m doubting I will make it through the trial period. On Al'Akir I soon picked up the 1st and 2nd phases mechanics but I couldn’t follow what was going on in the 3rd stage. Since then I have read up and watched a few videos and should be better prepared next time. If there is a next time. On the last attempt I died just before they killed him and I now I’m 8/12 although I don’t feel I deserved the boss kill. My DPS was well below what I know it can be because I was trying so hard not to die.

If that was bad then ascendant Council was even worse. We never got them down at all and just kept wiping. I did eventually make it through to the last phase on the last try and was one of the last people still alive but only by doing really poor DPS again. I was having to stand back and try to work out what buff I needed, where to get it from and which boss I was supposed to be on afterwards. Of course you have to do this a number of times so I spent most of my time looking for the airborne or grounded buffs. Again I have researched this fight and now understand the mechanics a lot better. I just hope I get a chance to prove it. I wouldn’t have minded if I had a chance to prove what I can do on content I’m familiar with but I was on lockout for Halfus Wyrmbreaker and Valiona and Theralion and had to sit them out. The DPS of the other guys was good, a hunter was regularly getting 16k but I know I can get very close to that with familiar content.

There’s a raid on again tonight where I expect they will be continuing on the Council. This is not a good fight for melee in the best of circumstances. Most tactics I have read recommend taking plenty of ranged because there’s a lot of repositioning and chained damage where you need to move apart. Oh well, shit happens. One thing is for sure though. If they have the patience to allow me time to get up to speed on these new bosses then I will know I have picked the right guild. Only time will tell.

Usually I really enjoy learning new content but there’s nothing more stressful that trying to learn it while you’re in trial for a new guild. You can’t help imagining all the whispering that’s going on. In hindsight I should have waited to until next week to sign up for the raids then I would have been off lockout and their first impressions may have been more favourable.

Jesus, sometimes my leisure time is more stressful than work!

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