Friday, 4 February 2011

A change of guild

Last night I left Swiftness. It’s a shame because they were doing really well and I had been in every single raid they ran since our 1st raid boss kill on Halfus. every subsequent kill, every wipefest learning the fights. We only got Halfus down after mumerous wipes because I stayed on him and interrupted his shadow nova. Not bad considering it’s a 6 second cast.

To be honest we got off on the wrong foot right from the start when one of the officers took a dislike to me and threatened to kick me out of the guild when I bailed out of a none guild heroic dungeon after about 5 wipes. It was obvious the PUG wasn’t going to complete the run so after the healer quite I quit too. The swiftness officer who was part of the group then started raging at me in guild chat and threatened to kick me. Well since I had only been there a day or too I decided there was no point hanging around in a guild that spoke to its members like that, especially in guild chat. So I quit the guild. Almost right away I was recruited by the Ethereals (a guild much higher ranked than swiftness at the time) but the Swiftness GM then w/ me asking me to rejoin them. I told him there was no way I could raid with the officer in question. I was told he wouldn’t be raiding and that he had been demoted for threatening to kick me. In response to this he quit the guild. So against my better judgement I rejoined swiftness. I was guaranteed a raid place and that’s all that I’m interested in. Turns out it was a huge mistake. The assistant GM was a friend of the guy that quit and resented the fact that, in his opinion’ I had caused his mate to quit the guild. I started getting w/ saying “what the %&*£ did you do that for” in the middle of a boss fight. Now I can take criticism if its done in a constructive way but when someone starts swearing and raging at you in chat it does nothing for your concentration. Apparently I am also being blamed because a few others left after I did. So all of a sudden I’m the fkin Pied Piper of Hamelin! The truth is the GL and his mates just weren't mature enough to run a guild effectivly. You have to have some understanding of human nature to be a good GL. You have to know how to talk to people.

In the end I just wasn’t enjoying my raiding. When you know someone is waiting to jump on your every mistake, every missed interrupt or every time you’re a little slow to move out of the fire etc, it becomes anything but fun. Swiftness is a very good guild badly run and although I could have just kept my mouth shut and carried on picking up the upgrades, I’d rather be able to relax and have a little fun. I started looking for a new guild yesterday when I got the feeling things were going to go tits up. I found Philosopher's Stone on WoWprogress. A fairly small guild raiding four times a week. Their core raiding team were all around my gear level and they were looking for a shaman. I applied and was accepted.

I don’t have that same satisfaction of being part of the progress the guild has made so far but I hope to be part of its progress from now on. They are a little further on in the boss kill stakes than Swiftness so I have to try and learn some new fights like Atramedes , Nefarian and Al'Akir

I just hope I can hold a spot on the raid team. I don’t out gear them like I did the majority of the Swiftness raid team. To be honest I’d rather raid less but have fun doing it.

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